Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Next Up: Leatherman's Loop

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Epilogue: NYC Running Show
Friday, April 22, 2011
Running Clubs: The Dark Side
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Grete: The Greatest

Dear Grete,
We miss you, already. You were, and always will be, the epitome of grace, power, humility, focus, and gentle friendliness - the ideal runner. You represent what we all should strive to be as runners, and as human beings.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
NYC Running Show, April 22/23

I will be attending the NYC Running Show coming up on April 22 & 23 here in NYC. At the event, I will be joining a Panel Discussion (4:00pm on Saturday). The Panel is titled "NYC Running Scene with NYCRuns.com", and I've been informed that our goal is to provide a broader picture of New York area running than one might get otherwise, especially those NYC runners who tend to get a bit focused only on the NYRR. We will discuss area clubs, why you might consider joining one, and what you might gain from doing that. I actually blogged on this topic about two years ago, and I think that post still remains relevant.
In addition, we will be talking about our favorite races throughout the "area", which I take to mean essentially any place you can reasonably get to during the morning hours pre-race (at least that's my definition, anyway). The Panel will include:
Karla Bruning - Moderator, Harrier, Running Blogger. Self-described Running Nerd. Serious Journalist.
Joe Garland - Runner and racer in NY for over 40 years, every distance on tracks, roads, and cross country courses. Warren Streeter. His website describes trails in southern Westchester Co.
Douglas Hegley - Competitive runner since 1978 (700 races and counting), trail running nut, Athletic Director/Coach of the New York Harriers - and former team President. Blogger.
Steve Lastoe - Owns a website that supports area runners and races (NYCRuns.com). Hasher. Hudson Duster. PPTC.
Matt Lebow - Active member of NYARA. Owner of Bad Ass Academy. Big-time Staten Island runner.
I hope that those of you in the area will join us and participate in the discussion. In fact, check out the two-day schedule of events, and I think you will definitely want to be there.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Race Report: Urban Environmental Challenge, April 3, 2011